Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Random Thoughts on the Recent Stock Market Scare

When I woke up the other morning, I didnt think much about anything. It was just a usual routine, I woke up, got ready for school and then headed straight to work after class. It was when I got to work that someone asked me "did you hear the american stock market dropped 400 points today?" I wasn't really sure what that meant but then the person mentioned something about a possible recession, and thats what got me thinking. How would it affect me if merica went into recession? I am a full-time college student and I work full-time as well.. Would I lose my job? Would I be able to pay my bills? Or would it hit me minimally? What if it had a worse impact on my mom, who is single and takes care of four of my five brothers and sisters? Of course, the stock market turned out to be a hot topic throughout the day. Eventually, one customer came in and we talked and he informed me that the stock market had recovered 360 of the 400 points we had fallen... It was a slight relief, but it goes to show how fast things are capable of changing, how one minute you can be prospering with hardly a worry, and the next your whole country is scraping and holding onto every penny-even in America. It further goes to show how much we, as Americans, truly take for granted.

239 words.


Unknown said...

Yeah man I was scared about that too. I was all excited about and wanted to invest some money for the sfun of it. But looking at the ridiculous investment options right now, I'll probably hold on. I don't know if this is a good or bad idea. The Dow jones and Nasdaq have plummeted more than 43 points I believe. I have no idea what the hell is going on!
The stock market is crap right now, e'll be looking at some garbage returns. I've never seen so many red arrows in my life. Hopefully we won't land in a recession if we slowly slide down. If our economy slowly slides into a recession, I'm hoping it will a be a short one, because it will buy us more time to reallocate funds and human resources.

Ashli said...

The country going into recession is a scary thought. I’m right with you as a working college student, and if a tragedy like that occurred I don’t know what I would do . I would just hate to see the stress on my family and friends faces in a situation like that

Morgan Pettigrew said...

Honestly, I had no idea that the stock market had dropped. In fact I don't pay much attention to the stock market at all. So you're right, Americans really do take things for granted. If you want the truth, I don't worry about the stock market, or the economy on a daily basis. I just wake up and do my thing, and expect everything to be okay. It'd probably be better if we, Americans, would wake up a little and smell the roses.

Nancy said...

I believe we are already in a recession. If not, we are teetering on the edge. It has definitely affected my family and myself. Both of my jobs are in the real estate industry. It is something to be concerned about but I would not be scared.What goes up has to eventually come down. It's a cycle that repeats. Don't get yourself into unnecessary debt and if you are already there, work as hard as you can to pay it off. Leave those credit cards alone except for a REAL emergency!